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Migrate to Germany

Migrate to Germany

Everything you need to know about Moving to Germany

Germany has been deemed as the fifth most favourable country to move to. This favorability is due to its well-performing economy, education system, and employment opportunities. People from all over the world want to have a chance to move to Germany. This article will focus on information about how to move to Germany and general immigration to Germany.

To immigrate to Germany, you will need a valid reason. There are several ways that foreign nationals can move to Germany, and they include the following reasons, which will be explained in more detail below.

  • German immigration for employment,
  • German immigration for education,
  • German immigration for entrepreneurs,
  • German immigration for family reunions,
  • German immigration residence permits.

GermanyGeneral Requirements for Immigration to Germany

Even though there are many ways to immigrate to Germany, and each has some specific requirements, there are still similarities between them. To be eligible to move to Germany, you must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Prove financial stability.
  • Have health insurance.
  • Have at least basic proficiency in German.
  • Get a German visa.

Prove financial stability

Each immigration purpose has a financial threshold which applicants need to fulfil, but regardless of intent, applicants must prove that they can finance themselves in Germany. Even if you will be working in Germany, you must have the initial funds to cover your expenses until you get your salary.

Have health insurance

You will not be able to immigrate to Germany without proper health insurance coverage. The recommended way is to get German health insurance since you cannot be sure whether German authorities will accept foreign health insurance. Find more information about health insurance for Freelancers, Employees and Expatriates in Germany.

Have at least basic proficiency in German

To be able to live in Germany, you will need to know German. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages has three levels of language proficiency, A, B and C. Each one has two parts. Language proficiency is divided into A1/A2 or basic, B1/B2 or proficient in the language, and C1/C2 or advanced language skills. To immigrate to Germany, you will need to enter the exams and pass them up to either A1 or B1. If you want to get a permanent residence, you will need a higher proficiency of C1 or C2 level.

Germany Immigration for Employment

Germany has reported a shortage of skilled workers and highly qualified people. They are continually looking for engineers, IT professionals, medical workers, and other qualified professionals. In order to encourage such people to emigrate to Germany, foreign immigration authorities have relaxed the stringent requirements to go to Germany and work.

Thus, one of the most popular means of immigration to Germany is finding a job in the country. The steps to moving to Germany for work are the following:

  •  Find a job in Germany, which accepts foreign nationals,
  • Apply for the Germany Working (employment) Visa,
  • Move to Germany and get a working residence permit.

Besides this, to get the residence permit for working in Germany, the employer and employee must prove that:

  • There was a shortage of employees that are from Germany or the EU, so they could not fill the position,
  • That the employee will have the same conditions as any other German employee in terms of salary and working environment,
  • That the employee meets all educational and works experience requirements for the job position,
  • That the company hiring the employee meets all necessities of the German authorities (registration documents and certification).

As an employee in Germany, you will get the chance to work as long as your residence permit allows it. If your employer wants to continue your working relationship even after your work permit is getting close to expiration, you can apply for an extension or after a certain period; you could also apply for permanent residence.

However, if you are an unskilled worker, it will be much more difficult to immigrate to Germany based on employment.


Germany Immigration for Education

Many people are not aware of this, but Germany offers free education. Unlike countries like the USA, which have enormous tuition fees, universities in Germany either have very low fees or do not charge anything at all. Because of this, Germany is a popular place to immigrate for education purposes.

To immigrate to Germany for completing a university degree, you must obtain a visa to study in Germany. The article outlines the requirements that you need to meet and the process of applying to get such a visa.

If you get your education visa for Germany and complete your degree, you can remain in Germany to search for a job for a limited time. If you can find a job during that time, you are allowed to stay in Germany. Reports suggest that up to 54% of students who complete a degree in Germany stay and find a job there. 

Why Study Germany

What makes Germany the best place to study at? You can get an outstanding education that will pave the way to your future career. Here, you can completely focus on your goals and realise your potential. Five reasons to pick Germany.

Studying in Germany is a great way to break into the international labour market. Germany’s higher education institutions are highly regarded globally. Qualifications gained in Germany have a good reputation in companies, too.


You think German is too difficult? Don’t worry if you’re a just beginner. Many study programmes at German universities are offered in English, too.


Even though education from Germany is among the best in the world, it costs less than in many other countries. In most German states, you do not have to pay any tuition fees at all. You only need to pay a small charge the semester contribution: This payment varies between higher education institutes and is between 100 and 350 euros. At many higher education institutions, it also includes a semester ticket that allows you to use public transport in the region.


Being able to study and gain work experience at the same time is one of the advantages of the German educational system. At universities of applied sciences, theory and practice go hand-in-hand. Some offer dual (work/study) programmes, too. They enable you to acquire extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience at the same time. Some models even offer you the opportunity to gain a bachelor’s degree and vocational qualifications.


Practically-oriented study programmes give you the opportunity to get to know the world of work sooner. You don’t just discover lots about your future career, but you also take your first vocational steps. Where do you go from there? Maybe you want to stay in Germany? After graduating, you can apply for a residence permit, which allows you to stay in Germany for 18 months to find a job. Germany offers plenty of career opportunities. Companies, here, are increasingly on the lookout for new recruits to help build a strong economic future.


Whether you are in the city or the country, you can travel freely and feel secure. Internationally, Germany is a byword for stability. The same goes for life here. Citizens exercise power over the government via Germany’s parliamentary democracy. Today people trust in fair elections and the rule of law.

After years of division between East and West, the German Democratic Republic (DDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD) were unified in October 1990. Since then, the entire country has been called the Federal Republic of Germany.

Germany’s turbulent history is seared deep in people’s memories. That’s why they appreciate the security nowadays. As the world’s fourth biggest economy, international relations are also important. Some 10.6 million people from all over the world live in Germany. Cities and villages also offer a safe environment for foreign students.

Job Opportunity

Germany provides the opportunity to try things out and discover where your strengths lie. Your degree will open up great opportunities on the job market – internationally and in Germany. The economy offers diverse career opportunities that match you and your goals.


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